Albania is getting closer and closer to Puglia. Six lung ventilators have been delivered by F. Divella Spa and the Consular Corps of Puglia, Basilicata and Molise to Albania. The symbolic delivery took place in Bari in front of the Port Authority headquarters. The ceremony was attended by: Massimo Salomone, Secretary-General of the Consular Corps of Puglia, Basilicata and Molise; Francesco Divella, Marketing Manager at F. Divella Spa; Ugo Patroni Griffi, President of the Southern Adriatic Port Authority, and Gentiana Mburimi, Albanian Consul General in Bari. A gesture of solidarity as a sign of brotherhood and generosity. “For us, the donation of ventilators represents concrete help towards a population that, like the rest of the world, is experiencing a real health emergency” said Francesco Divella. “According to the information we have, what worries the Albanian authorities most are the variants and the spread of the virus, which is mainly affecting young people. Therefore, we immediately took action – we believe that, in these times, it is necessary to support each other. Our contribution to this initiative, promoted together with the Consular Corps, the Albanian Consul and our Albanian importers Agron and Armando Duka, represents a small gesture that can give great support to those who are suffering.” The ventilators will be donated to the hospital in Durrës. “The initiative, promoted in collaboration with Divella Spa – explains Salomone – meets the objectives of the Consular Corps of Puglia, Basilicata and Molise, enhancing the commitment of the Consuls associated to our partnership. The medical devices donated are technologically advanced and extremely effective instruments, fundamental for the oxygen therapy of patients suffering from respiratory insufficiency. The ventilators, which are suitable for high-flow therapy, are equipped with specific innovative features and thus are more suitable for supporting assisted ventilation systems.” In addition to the lung ventilators, 40,000 masks were also donated. “It’s brotherhood with our Albanian cousins.” concludes Ugo Patroni Griffi. “The ports of the Southern Adriatic Adsp are an important crossroads for destinations in the Balkan area. Albania, in particular, is our first partner when it comes to passengers. There is a great need for gestures like these at the moment: friendship, sharing, generosity and brotherhood are the values that bind people together, which the infrastructure connects. In the case of the Albanians, the common Adriatic Sea does not divides us, but unites us.”
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